TONIGHT: Housemates nominate for the first time!

 TONIGHT: Housemates nominate for the first time!

Tonight, Lateysha shares her concerns about The Others to Big Brother; “Now I know that The Other House is there I’m on edge. I can’t believe they watch me…do they watch me have shits and stuff. It’s scary knowing you could have your place taken away from you at any moment.”

Also tonight, Chelsea denies to Alex that he and Jayne have a connection and that they are just mates. Jayne walks in and Chelsea and Jayne argue over their connection. Jayne asked “When all that kicked off…You told me that you were single…why are you lying to me? Chelsea replied “I said it was complicated…We are mates and nothing more and we never have been” Later Chelsea revealed “Shall I tell you a secret; she slept with John Terry…Sven-Göran Eriksson as well. She went to the newspapers and sold story…She knows I’ve got a couple of quid and what she wanted to do a kiss and tell with me. But guess what? I told her to f^%k off.”

The Housemates nominate for the first time.

Laura nominated Georgia saying “I feel Georgina is quite a negative person, and even though it’s funny, we laugh at her resting bitch face and things…I feel when she said about me and Marco…I feel she went a bit overboard saying that I had less morals”

Jason nominated Laura for the following reason: “The getting together with Marco after a couple of days, they’re two adults and they can do whatever they want…If you’re touching each other explicitly in front of people after a short time, then sometimes you’ve just got to draw the line”

Evelyn nominated Georgian saying: “She is a bit of a Debbie Downer”

Nominating Marco, Emma said:

Emma: “He constantly turns everything back to himself”

Lateysha nominates Marco saying: “I find him very much annoying and talks about himself way too much…If you’ve been to Tenerife he’s been to Elevenerife”

Emma was nominated by Georgina because “She is my negative energy in here”

Marco nominated Georgina saying “She talks behind other people’s backs”

Later, Jayne comes to the diary room to talk to Big Brother saying she wishes to leave The Other House; “I want to go home because I’m bored shitless; I’m hearing the same conversation over and over and over again. I’ve got f^&k all to wear, I look like a tramp, I haven’t eaten in two days.”

Once again, Ryan fails his secret mission! Big Brother informs the House that Ryan has failed his task as an Undercover Other and he returns to The Other House. Ryan reveals “I’m gutted, only just started to f%^king know them…I actually felt like part of one of them and now I’m not”

Later in The Other House, things get steamy between Hughie and Ryan and they kiss. Ryan  says “I’ve really got a bad back will you just give me a massage…I’m only giving you a hug, chill you…this is on TV!”

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