TONIGHT: Jayne ESCAPES from the Big Brother house
On tonight’s show: Join Emma Willis live as Charlie, Hughie or Natalie face eviction, Charlie and Jason’s relationship is the topic of the house and the Big Brother House experiences a flood.
Charlie and Jason’s situation is the talk of the house…
Talking about Charlie and Jason to Chelsea, Alex says: “Her main priority now should be to get along with him and not try and get back with him…He’s point blank not going to do anything in here…She could push him away and never get him back…or have fun, enjoy herself and maybe get him back afterwards”
Meanwhile, Jason and Charlie have the following conversation about their relationship situation:
Jason: “I feel like I’m treading on egg shells…I thought I had been clear. In here I just want to be friends. We are going back to how it used to be and it isn’t good. This ain’t blind date, enjoy the experience!”
Charlie: “I’m in here for me…I’ve been made to look like an idiot on TV…I feel like you have no feelings for me whatsoever”
Jason: “I do not want people getting involved in our lives…I’m not f^&cking repeating anything, I would rather walk, do you understand me!”
Charlie: “Please stop cause you have no idea how I’m feeling inside…I still don’t know where I stand…I just want my boyfriend back”
Jason: “I just want us to be friends”.
Talking to Big Brother about Jason in the Diary Room, Charlie says: “I just want to be able to get on really well with him. I’m not giving up on the fact that I want him back…I think he’s right in saying let’s spend some time together, let’s build a friendship together and see what happens on the outside…and then hopefully he will want to marry me”
Jayne and Natalie have words following their previous argument(s)…
Jayne: “Someone called me a whore, I cannot be in the same room as her…I’m not having it…And you [Natalie] can put your nose over there”
Natalie: “Why don’t you put my nose over there…what is wrong with you? You’re such a witch…I don’t know what you can do to me except talk shit…Everybody knows about you, your cover is blown”
Due to the severe weather conditions the Big Brother House experience a flood and the Housemates are moved temporarily into The Other House. Whilst moving to the Other house Jayne ESCAPES! Ryan: What is she going to do, go to train station?”
After returning to the Diary Room, Jayne says to Big Brother: “Its’ all got a bit too much…Lot’s has gone on over the last two days…the walls are closing in…I thought to myself I only have to go out that door and I won’t feel isolated anymore…By going out that door, I loose and I don’t want to loose because if I am to walk out that door I want the public to vote me out”
Housemates return to the main house later that evening.