Eye wonder what it could be…

 Eye wonder what it could be…

It’s only been a day since Channel 5 lifted the *eye*-lid on the brand new eye for Big Brother 17, but already, people are going crazy trying to work out what it means. Read on as we summarise some of the theories doing the rounds!

The new eye is divided; half white and half black, separated by multicoloured shards of glass. Fans have been quick to comment on similarities to the BB9 eye which featured a shattered theme. Comparisons have also been drawn with the yin and yang symbol. Upon the eyes release, Twitter went into meltdown – and it was enough to get #BBUK trending! Here are some of the most popular theories:

Celebs v Civilians

We recently reported that bosses were planning to shake things up by mixing minor celebrities, and civilians in the same house. Fueled by the expansion of the house which is currently underway at Elstree, it has been suggested that the two groups of housemates could live side by side in separate houses. There have also been suggestions of a competitive element between the two although this has already been done with the UK vs USA theme for Celebrity Big Brother 16.

BB US/BB Canada Strategic format

Upon release of the eye, Bit on the Side host Rylan Clark-Neal posted the following tweet:


Interestingly, Rylan refers to a the show as “a new game” – its the first time BBUK has ever been referenced in this way, and has given rise to the idea that the show may take on some/all of strategic elements of BB US and BB Canada including Head of Household & Power of Veto Competitions and Head of Household nominations.

This wouldn’t be the first time BBUK had introduced a Head of Household, as this was previously introduced in Big Brother 9 – although the role of the HoH was different to that of their American/Canadian counterparts. The introduction of strategy could bring a very different vibe to the show and help introduce some more natural drama instead of the manufactured drama with which the show has become associated in recent years.

These are just a couple of the suggestions currently doing the rounds – but what do you think it could mean? Join in the conversation by tweeting us @bigblaggeruk, using #bbuk.

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