ITV release pictures of the new Big Brother garden

 ITV release pictures of the new Big Brother garden

Big Brother: The Launch airs Sunday at 9pm on ITV1, STV, ITV2 and ITVX

ITV have today officially unveiled the brand new Big Brother garden, ahead of the series’ launch episode on Sunday, October 8th.

The new garden features a small patio area with a canopy overhead and comfy seating – for those autumnal nights, Big Brother has also included a fireplace.

The iconic Big Brother hot tub has also found a new home in the garden.

Big Brother: The Launch airs Sunday at 9pm on ITV1, STV, ITV2 and ITVX

The new garden also features an eye shaped seating area, and smoking area which is hidden off camera behind a door.

A large water container is also housed in the garden to capture any rainfall, with sustainability playing a big role in the house design.

Big Brother: The Launch airs Sunday at 9pm on ITV1, STV, ITV2 and ITVX

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