Intruders! Housemates friends and family enter the house

Big Brother sets the housemates the latest shopping task tonight, and this time – the housemates friends and family are included!
The housemates sit on the sofa and Big Brother says: “Housemates. Over the past few hours Big Brother has been made aware of a series of security breaches. In order to keep safe, Big Brother has installed a safe zone in the living room and a security hut at the perimeter of the house.”
Big Brother adds: “In a moment Big Brother will run through some new instated security protocols. If all housemates follow these protocols you will win a luxury shopping budget. If you do not follow the protocols, your economy budget will be downgraded to basic rations.”
Big Brother says: “Over the next few hours Housemates will be paired up and take it in turns to complete a shift in the security hut. Throughout the day intruders will attempt to break into the Big Brother house and hack the Big Brother mainframe.”
Big Brother then reveals: “Each intruder will have a connection to a housemate.”
Intruders arrive at the Big Brother house in pairs; the housemates on shift in the security hut must decide together which intruder will be allowed access to the house, with the other being ejected from the perimeter of the house immediately.
But while intruders may try to communicate with housemates, if the housemates communicate back, or turn to face the intruder, they will fail the shopping task.
Jenkin says: “I just want to say that if my family come here, I don’t care about the situation, I will be engaging in conversation with them.”
Later that day, Jenkin’s mum enters the house. Can Jenkin stay silent or will he speak with his mum and risk failing the shopping task?
The following intruders also try to gain access to the Big Brother house – Yinrun’s boyfriend, Trish’s sister, Olivia’s sister, Chanelle’s dad, Henry’s sister, Jordan’s cousin, Tom’s friend, Noky’s sister and Matty’s boyfriend.
But not all will be granted access to the house. How will some of the housemates feel as they hear from their loved ones? And how will the rest of the housemates feel about their loved ones being ejected from the house? And have housemates been successful at this week’s shopping task?
Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2 & ITVX.