2023 series of Big Brother to air in March

Big Brother will make his triumphant return to British television screens in March 2023 on ITV2 and ITV X according to Broadcast.
The revived will air on the network following the conclusion of the winter edition of ITV 2 dating show, Love Island.
ITV reportedly want to capitalise on the momentum produced by the close relationship if the two shows into Spring. “Scheduling Big Brother after Love Island would help ITV2 to a strong start to the year,” said one rival broadcasting exec.
The new Big Brother house is still expected to be constructed in a London location, with ITV keen to continue the tradition of inviting audiences to the live evictions.
One idea initially mooted was for the house to move abroad, however according to Broadcast, one individual with knowledge of the production said that the cost of transporting and accommodating crew abroad would prove prohibitive, while raising concerns about the welfare of participants.
Auditions for the new series are expected imminently, keep an eye on bigbrothercasting.co.uk for updates.