Timewarp twist revealed

Tonight on Big Brother (Friday 5 June), Emma Willis revealed Big Brother’s latest shocking Timebomb twist. Housemates will be nominating as normal this weekend but little do they know that next Friday there will be a FAKE eviction. The Housemates with the most public votes will not be ejected from the House but will move in to Big Brother’s ‘Secret Lair’.
The ‘evicted’ Housemate will receive another shock when they discover they will be living with some VERY familiar, legendary Housemates from Big Brother’s past. This Timebomb will kick off ‘Big Brother’s Time Warp Week’, during which Big Brother will be turning the House upside down with a succession of time travelling twists, classic tasks and a roll call of Big Brother famous faces from the past.
Together with the legendary housemates, whoever ‘leaves’ the Big Brother house on Friday will live a parallel life to their unsuspecting neighbours and will be set their own special tasks. However, their stay in the secret lair will be short lived as both the ‘evicted’ housemate and the legendary visitors will dramatically enter the main house during the LIVE Big Brother Time Warp Week launch programme on Sunday 14 June at 9pm on Channel 5.
For the duration of Time Warp Week, the housemates from Big Brother’s past will live in the house with this year’s remaining housemates until the next ‘real’ eviction takes place on Friday 19 June.