The Big Brother house has become as recognizable a character as any of the many housemates that have walked through its illustrious doors over the years. Each year its décor and styling has set the tone to how that series will play out and it looks like Celebrity Big Brother 2018 will be no different!
Kitchen & Dining
Upon entering the house from the now closed-in stairs, you will find yourself in the brand new Kitchen and Dining area.
The kitchen features a very BBUS style marble dining table, perfect for nominations maybe?

The new bedroom is accessed from the left of the kitchen. Featuring pink and blue/green tropical prints.
How many beds do you count?

The bathroom this year is accessed from the bedroom, and again is decorated with tropical wallpaper (Are you sensing a theme here?).
At the top of the bathroom is a pink bath tub and chair – ready and waiting for those intimate moments.

Towards the bottom of the bathroom there is a seating area and pampering station for housemates to get themselves ready to face the day… or eviction.

The exterior is reminiscent of a Palm Springs desert retreat where our celebrities can relax in a garden of cacti, succulents and a brightly coloured mid-century modern design.

The garden is home to a pool and a large hot tub this summer, and also has its very own minibar! Perfect for a garden party.. or two.

Living Area
Located off the garden, the new lounge is a mix of blue, yellow and red sofa’s.

Pink Room
Located where the old bathroom was, we’ve nicknamed this room the pink room – We think you will guess why.

And finally… the entrance to the diary room (which we, unfortunately, don’t have a picture of yet – due to the fact one hasn’t been taken!)