Raph is your runner up

Raph Korine has finished as the runner up of Big Brother 18.
Upon leaving the house, Raph told Emma: “I never expected to get in. To be able to spend my summer in my favourite show since I was a little kid was the most amazing thing. I’m just so grateful. I may have cried a lot, but I loved every single minute of my time in there.”
Speaking of his preconceptions of entering the house, Raph said: “It was so much harder than I expected. I thought I could go in there and be cutthroat, but it wasn’t easy.”
When asked about his friendship with Chanelle, Raph said: “Before I came in here, what I did write on paper as my least favourite housemate, it’s Chanelle. But then I just got to know her and I saw that she had such a beautiful heart behind the exterior.”