House update: A difficult day

It’s a difficult day in the Big Brother house as Angie is informed of ex husband David Bowie’s death and Jonathan Cheban leaves the house.
Key quotes and highlights from the show:
Big Brother calls Angie to the diary room, and off camera she meets her Agent who tells her the very sad news that her ex-husband, music legend, David Bowie has passed away. Angie decides she would like to stay in the house and returns to the diary room
Big Brother asks Angie how she is feeling, she replies, “I’m fine. I think I’ll feel better if I cry, but I can’t cry at the moment. I haven’t seen him in so many years, I can’t make a big drama out of it; I just feel like an era has ended with his passing. I’m so very sad.” Angie then starts to cry, and Big Brother tells her to take her time, as there is no rush to go back into the house.
Big Brother calls John and David to the diary room, to offer Angie some support.
In the diary room, both John and David are shocked by the news that Angie has told them, and they offer their support. She remarks, “The Stardust is gone.”
John asks her if she wants to keep this news private, she says yes and they both tell her they won’t say anything.
Angie confirms she’s happy to go back into the house, and John and David advise her to say she’s just feeling unwell. John and David accompany Angie back into the living area.
David is feeling unwell and goes to bed.
Tiffany and Angie are in the kitchen; Tiffany asks if Angie is OK. She says she is fine, however ‘wouldn’t be in this condition if it was just a cold’.
Tiffany suggests the two of them go to sit on the sofas, Angieasks, “You’ve gotta do me a favour, you can’t say a word…” Tiffany agrees. Angie whispers, “David’s dead.”(meaning David Bowie).
Tiffany is confused and gets hysterical; believing her fellow housemate David Gest is dead.
After a scene of confusion with the other housemates, Daniella eventually tells Tiffany “she means her ex-husband, David.”
John, Jonathan and Gemma are waiting for Tiffany in the bathroom, she says, “You don’t have to talk to me! I know people can’t stand me and are just tolerating me!” John tells Tiffany people are freaked out by what has just happened. She turns to Jonathan and Gemma, and suggests they are looking at her with ‘ganged up eyes’. They confirm they are just checking she’s OK.
John tells Tiffany this is serious and that people will leave if she stays, because they feel threatened by her and don’t want her in the house. She replies, “Well that’s too bad!”
Tiffany confirms she will not be apologising to Angie, and will not leave the house.
Tiffany is called immediately to the diary room. She says, “I’m ready to go! I’m f*cking leaving! This whole house has a problem with me!” Big Brother asks Tiffany to calm down.
In the garden, Darren is showing his support to Angie.
In the diary room, Tiffany believes ‘everybody is ganging up’ on her and that she didn’t do anything wrong, “They will have to get me evicted, I’m not just going to walk off, I’m not a quitter! I didn’t do anything.”
In the bathroom, Jeremy and Stephanie confirm they will not isolate anyone in the house.
A calm Tiffany leaves the diary room, and returns to the house. Housemates do not speak to her; she heads to the bedroom where Nancy asks her ‘what is the situation’. The pair hug, Nancy remarks that she misunderstood what Angie was talking about, Tiffanyconfirms.
Jonathan tells Gemma that he’s going to pack his case, and asks her to help him. She thinks it’s the right time for him to leave the house, “Promise me we will do all the things we have said we are going to do? Like sleepovers?” He agrees, “Yes! You don’t know me! I’ll be in Essex eating, every time I come to London you come and pick me up!” He says he now feels relaxed as he’s going.
In the bedroom, Jeremy, David and Darren talk about how much they now like Jonathan.
In the diary room, Jonathan is talking to Big Brother, “My time here has now expired. I’m not really into fighting, Tiffany is insane! It’s getting down and dirty and there’s a bad vibe in the house. I felt so bad putting Nancy in incarceration; it felt like I sent my mum!” He continues he doesn’t want to get anxious or claustrophobic, and feels like it’s time for him to go.
Jonathan gathers some of the housemates to say goodbye, Gemma cries, “Can’t you just stay?” He tells her to stop it and will see them all when they get out. Nancy and Jonathan hug, she says it was nice meeting him.
Jonathan leaves the Celebrity Big Brother house, “I’m going to miss you guys! I’ll be watching!” Gemma sits in the garden sobbing about Jonathan’s exit.
Jonathan’s last words to Big Brother, “Honestly, this has been the literally the best experience I’ve ever had! I didn’t think I’d survive the first night. These people are so amazing! I love each and every one of them, and I can’t wait to see them afterwards! I’m leaving with no problems with anyone, and that’s how I wanted to leave. It’s definitely bitter sweet. Thank you and goodbye.”
Gemma is talking about Jonathan to Big Brother, “I don’t know what life in the house will be like without him, something has died inside me. There are so amazing people in here; I will now get to spend time with other people in the house. No one will ever replace him, I loved him the most.”
In the snug, Angie and Darren are talking about the sad news surrounding her ex-husband. Darren remarks, “The world will be grieving and you’ve got your own personal grief going on in here, which is hard for you.”
Tiffany tells Christopher that she doesn’t dislike anyone in in the house. Christopher suggests everyone should get together to sort it out, Tiffany agrees and asks Christopher to arrange the gathering.
In the living room, Christopher asks housemates to gather in the living area so Tiffany can address everyone. John and Kristina make it obvious that they are not interested to hear what Tiffany has to say. Danniella believes that she should apologise to Angie, housemates agree.
John goes to speak to Tiffany, to tell her that nobody wants to hear it right now. Tiffany confirms it was Christopher’s idea to speak to everybody.
In yesterday’s task, Jeremy and David won a romantic dinner for two. For their dinner in the snug, Jeremy dresses up as David’s ex-wife Liza Minnelli.
In the garden, Gemma advises Tiffany to stay clam in the house, “Be the nice Tiff. Try and help out around the house a bit more, make people tea and coffee and help out in the kitchen. I’m saying this from the heart. We’re team players; the feedback from today is that you’re not pulling your weight around the house. Tea and coffee means a lot to people.” Tiffany takes her comments on board.
Tiffany asks Kristina if she would like some help with the drying up, Kristina says no as they are nearly finished.
In the bedroom, Gemma encourages Tiffany to keep making kind gestures.
In the living area, Tiffany apologises to Angie, she accepts and they hug.
In the bedroom after the lights have gone out, Megan walks over to Scotty T’s bed where they share a kiss. After their kiss, she goes back to her bed and they blow each other a kiss.