Big Brother is coming to a city near you!

Do you fancy yourself as a housemate? or do you know somebody who’d be a perfect fit for Big Brother?
If so, you are in luck as Big Brother is on the lookout for exciting, outgoing and stand out characters as he tours the country looking to unearth the greatest hidden gems in the UK!
Big Brother is on the lookout for outgoing PAIRS with strong opinions and stand-out personalities from across the UK. You can apply with anyone you consider to be family – everyone is welcome!
Channel 5 are widening the search this year to ensure we find the best housemates possible who represent all aspects of society from all walks of life, leaving no stone unturned to unearth the greatest hidden gems in the UK.
The Big Brother team will be on a nationwide tour from 12-18th December 2016. The team will be visiting Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Bradford, Blackpool, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff!
To find out where Big Brother are, or to come along to one of the ‘Meet the Team’ days you can contact us via the following methods:
Phone: 0208 222 4379
Twitter: @BBauditions
Facebook: /BigBrotherAuditions
If you wish to attend one of these audition dates, use the contact details below to get in touch to arrange a timeslot and venue (Big Brother will be visiting more than one venue in one day).
If you want an unforgettable experience of a lifetime spending your summer in Britain’s most famous TV house with a chance to win a life changing amount of money, then simply get in contact by emailing or call 0208 222 4379.
Applicants must be 18 or over, T&C’s apply – see the Big Brother Auditions website for details.
Good luck!