TONIGHT: Housemates threaten to leave

On tonight’s show: Housemates are set a series of dares for a task, Lewis & Marnie make up and housemates threaten to leave the house…
In the garden, Marnie and Lewis are making up, he tells her; “You’re worth more to me than an argument in here.”
In the bedroom, Chloe is in bed and overhears Saira joking around with some of her housemates; “There are two showmances in this house! Chloe’s way is a new way of massaging! It’s nice to see Chloe and Bear getting really close.”
In the diary room, Chloe is talking to Big Brother; “I laid there listening. What’s everyone’s problem? Its nothing to do with them!”
In the kitchen, Chloe reveals to Bear; “I just got called a prostitute by Renee. They were talking about us, ‘there are two showmances in here and that’s a weird way to give a massage!’”
Bear announces, “I think there’s jealousy in the house, they keep talking about showmances and I think they’re jealous!”
Some of the housemates are in the garden. Saira is dressed in a bra stuffed with toilet tissue, and persuades Heavy D to take a seat in the bathroom so she can re-enact Chloe’s massage to Bear. Some of the housemates laugh, Bear yells; “Imitation is the best form of flattery!”
Saira announces ‘that was my fun side’.
In the bedroom, Chloe is upset with Renee and thinks Saira is a snake.
Saira apologises to her housemates for having some fun.
Housemates become players in a game of dares for the task. Housemates are called to the Nerve centre room and set a series of dares.
Ricky, Frankie and James are dared to wear shock pads. The trio accept and are shocked throughout the day.
Saira, Bear, Lewis and Heavy D are dared to be handcuffed together, they accept.
Katie, Samantha and Marnie are dared to custard pie some of their housemates according to a category. The trio get to work; Heavy D is pied for being the least trustworthy and most annoying.
Aubrey, Renee and Chloe receive the final dare to eat a blindfolded buffet. Renee declines, and Aubrey and Chloe get to eat.
Bear isn’t happy that Renee quit the task: “I would have eaten it to pass the task”. Afterwards, Renee announces that she ‘despises Bear’.
In the smoking area, Lewis tells Marnie; “We have rushed into things…for me this is perfect, you make me feel like a good man. Just your energy! This is something worth holding onto.” She agrees
Saira is the second housemate to be evicted
Housemates are gathered on the sofas for a surprise twist. The saved housemates: Bear, Heavy D and Lewis are tasked to make one killer nomination. REVEALED ON TONIGHT’S SHOW
Marnie and Lewis share a shower.
Renee is in the diary room talking about Bear; “I tell Bear what I think of him. I don’t think highly of him, I think he’s a user.”
Chloe and Bear get close in the shower.
In the bedroom, Heavy D tells Renee that he’s playing a game
In the diary room, Frankie is talking to Big Brother about the divisions in the house
In the garden, Marnie suggests that Chloe does a topless pole dance; Chloe does so.
In the bedroom, Chloe is throwing cake and Bear, Marnie and Lewis are being noisy. Heavy D asks them to be quiet and to ‘have some respect’
Some of the housemates are not happy with what is happening in the bedroom. James, Samantha, Aubrey, Frankie, Katie and Ricky head to the diary room. James announces to Big Brother; “We can’t go on like this…we all want to leave. There are four protagonists and they have over stepped the line tonight. This could be the first strike in the history of Big Brother and I’m very Right wing!”