Nominations revealed – 3 face public vote!

The results of the latest round of nominations have been announced, with Stephanie and Gemma joining Danniella in facing the public vote tomorrow!
As Danniella was given a Killer nomination; she could not be nominated.
Stephanie was first, nominating Darren and John; John chose to nominate Gemma and Stephanie, Scotty T was up next choosing to nominate Gemma and Stephanie. Tiffany was next into the diary room, nominating Scotty T and Darren.
Darren was then called to the diary room and nominated Tiffany and Gemma.
Gemma was last to nominate, choosing Stephanie and John.
It was then revealed that Stephanie and Gemma would join Danniella in facing the public vote!
Who Stays? You decide…probably…unless there’s a twist…or something…
Tune into Channel 5 on Friday to find out who stays and who goes!