Ken Morley removed from the Big Brother house

Ken Morley has been removed from the Celebrity Big Brother house for “offensive behaviour”.
Channel 5 would not go into any further detail about exactly what has triggered his departure.
It follows complaints about “racist and sexist language” on Saturday’s show. Ofcom told Newsbeat it had been contacted by 233 people.
A statement from Channel 5 said: “Tuesday’s eviction is now cancelled and lines are now closed.
“Anyone who has already voted will be able to apply for a full refund and details will be available on the Big Brother website within 24 hours.”
It’s not clear how much of this latest behaviour involving the Coronation Street star will be broadcast.
The show’s bosses had already formally warned him about “offensive” language during chats with R&B singer Alexander O’Neal.
He was also called out over “unacceptable” sexually suggestive comments directed at female housemates.