Heavy D is evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house

Heavy D has become the fourth housemate to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house.
Facing eviction alongside Heavy D this week were Stephen Bear, Renee Graziano and Lewis Bloor. Heavy left the house mainly boos from the crowd.
When asked by Emma how he felt about his eviction he said: “It was a shock. I’ve had a great time! I was confident I would win it. Major the public thought I went too far with the wind ups!”
He added that he was a ‘big character’ in the house, ‘was having a laugh’ and ‘making it spicy’; he thought some of the housemates took themselves ‘too seriously’.
Concluding his interview he said: “I did play up a little bit…it does get boring in there! BOOM!!”
The next eviction will take place on Friday, which will see TWO housemates evicted.