It’s nominations time! The celebs cast their first noms of the series!

It’s nominations day on tonight’s episode of Celebrity Big Brother, with the celebs casting their first nominations of the series!
Big Brother gathers the celebrities in the living room. The voice of Big Brother says: “This is Big Brother, it’s time for nominations. You are reminded that the Big Brother rules are clear regarding this process, you cannot discuss your nominations with your fellow housemates. Celebrity lodger Sharon cannot nominate nor be nominated. And as Gary is already up for eviction he also can’t be nominated.”
The housemates take it in turns to nominate. David is the first housemate to be called into the Diary Room.
With the tension getting to Ekin-Su as she prepares to nominate she says, “I don’t like this, I like us being a family”
Colson asks: “On Love Island, do you have to say who you want to go on that?”
Ekin says: “This is not Love Island, this is not the same.”
Colson adds: “But on that, do you have to say…”
Ekin: “It’s not the same, please just let it go.”
As Fern goes up to give her nomination she nominates Ekin-Su, saying:
“She’s a couple of times suggested that I could fit into one of her bikinis and get into the hot tub, you know, show off your cellulite, see how you roll your bosoms up like a swiss roll and tuck them in your bra, but from my point of view it’s like I’ve had those days darling, thanks very much but no.”
With revelations aplenty, who is nominated for “playing a game”, who is nominated for “making people uncomfortable” and who is nominated for being unable to get their housemate’s name right?
When all nominations are complete, who will receive the most nominations and therefore be up for eviction?
Tune in to Celebrity Big Brother tonight at 9pm on ITV1, ITVX, STV.