House Update: Day 2 highlights and quotes from tonight’s show

Check out all the latest action from tonight’s highlights show!
Below are some highlights and quotes from tonight’s show:
Housemates are waking up after their first full day; Danniella, John and Darren are waking up in The Box.
Jonathan announces to Gemma, “Wow! Look at you! You look like a young Anna Nicole Smith! Oh my! I never got to wake up to a pin up!”
Jonathan tries marmite for the first time, “It’s sour!” He doesn’t like it.
Christopher tells David that he had a bit of a break down whilst on The X Factor, “I didn’t know who I was, I was under so much stress that my hair started to fall out on the show. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.” He explains he was troubled by online trolls.
David goes onto say that Michael Jackson told him he would feel much better after plastic surgery. He then had plastic surgery in 1980. David advises Christopher to stop having plastic surgery, “People should like you for who you are.”
Jonathan asks some housemates, “Who is Nancy? What does she do?” He was told she used to go out with a famous football manager. He’s shocked, “Not even a football player?!”
Gemma tells Big Brother that she feels sorry for the Box housemates. She goes onto say that Scotty T is something else. “He’s an absolute beauty! He’s marriage material!” And she is now more determined to get Megan to be with him.
Jeremy is chatting to Scotty T and Megan in the kitchen. Jeremy asks if she’s single, she confirms she is.
A bit later on, Megan and Jeremy are chatting in the bedroom. He tells her she looks gorgeous; she thanks him and tells him he looks nice too. Jeremy smiles, “Are we flirting?! Steph’s getting jealous! Me and Megan were flirting.” Steph then comes over and hugs Jeremy in her bed.
Gemma tells Scotty T, “You are a very good boy. You get up, make your bed, and cook breakfast for everybody…that’s good qualities. That’s so lovely. You are marriage material!” Nancy and Winston agree. Scotty T is happy.
Gemma asks Winston as she feels he is more in touch with the subject, “There is employment out there isn’t there?” He says there is, “But the masses of people that are coming into the country, its fantastic employment for them.”
Scotty T tells Big Brother he hasn’t got a bad word to say about anyone in the house, “I love all of them to bits! I’m sure Nancy has a crush on us! She’s a very elegant woman; she’s mint for her age. It’s flirtatious.”
In the living area, Winston is helping Tiffany with some exercise moves. She groans whilst doing the moves.
Jonathan is telling Megan and Scotty T about filming with The Kardashians, “It’s pandemonium! It’s crazy! Helicopters following all day, photographers following all day. When we film in a restaurant there’ll be like 300 people just waiting outside. Police too. It’s crazy.” Megan says, “That’s next level, that’s Bieber sh*t”. Jonathan replies, “It’s bigger. It’s crazy, it happens all over the world. If Kim goes to Dubai they’ll shut the mall down. 30, 40 thousand will come to the mall.” Megan comments that the Kardashians and Jonathan must get everything they want, he grins, “That’s why I’m used to eggs in bed!”
In The Box, Danniella tells John and Darren that she loved living in America, “It’s the whole atmosphere, the people, the California lifestyle, it’s just different.”
For today’s task, housemates are given the chance to unlock the rest of the house and free their box housemates.
In the garden, housemates are asked to line up from who they think is least annoying, to who they think is most annoying. Jeremy rushes to be the most annoying housemate, followed by Stephanie and then Scotty T. Kristina stands in the least annoying spot.
Big Brother announces that the three most annoying housemates will now take part in the task, and if they pass the rest of the house will be unlocked and The Box housemates released.
Scotty T, Stephanie and Jeremy will need to find three keys that will unlock the rest of the house; out of the 4,500 keys Big Brother has supplied them.
In the bedroom, Gemma is massaging Jonathan’s coccyx. He promises her to treat her to dumplings when the leave the house.
Scotty T is the first to find a key, followed by Stephanie then Jeremy. Housemates cheer. They successfully passed the task.
Angie is talking about her marriage to David Bowie, “I got a really bad broken heart when we split up, cos I didn’t have a job. My job was managing David and I had no job, I was off loaded and I couldn’t work with anyone else as a manager. That’s the reason why I was heartbroken; I had no job and a son. I wasn’t interested in fighting him for custody, I didn’t have a job. When I don’t have a job I get into bad mischief…I was drinking, being barred from bars.”
Gemma asks Christopher why there’s beef between him and Danniella. He explains, “I got a panto and she hasn’t done it for 15 years, we lived together and worked together it was great, she got replaced by Nikki Grahame because the panto production team read the papers that she had a relapse and they didn’t like that and withdrew the contract. People have been stirring sh*t too. I hope we can sort it out, I do miss her greatly. We got our dogs together! It’s not like I’ve done anything.” Gemma thinks they need to talk about it.
The Box housemates are now free to enter the main house; they are excited to leave the Box and are greeted by their fellow housemates.
Christopher hugs Danniella, “Are you alright? I was worried about you.” She doesn’t reply.
Scotty T, Jeremy and Stephanie are called to the diary room, with the rest of the housemates watching from the living area.
Big Brother announces that this week, only these three housemates are going to nominate, and are asked to provide a killer nomination each.
Jeremy nominates Nancy, “I find she can be a bit controlling when we’re having a laugh. A bit intimidating.”
Scotty T nominates Winston, “Every time I cook he can’t wait for everyone else to have his food, he’s always ‘gimme it, gimme it’!”
Stephanie nominates Kristina, “Because me and Jezza are next to each other and laughing all night, and we kept her up. She was angry at both of us as we kept her up.”
Kristina tells David its fine that she’s been nominated, and puts herself in Stephanie’s shoes, “I don’t want it to be awkward, she’s a lovely girl.”
Nancy tells Big Brother that she didn’t expect to be nominated so early. “Scotty T would never nominate me. I do understand, it was the less hard choice for him to make and he gave good reason as he is intimidated by me. He’s not the only one to be intimidated, the entire world are. I don’t know why people are intimidated by me, it’s a fact.”
Housemates are discussing sleeping arrangements.
Kristina says she doesn’t mind sharing with Nancy, she agrees.
Winston tells Nancy that he won’t share with anyone.
Earlier today, Angie called Jonathan “an obnoxious American”. Jonathan is annoyed, but Angie feels it is a fair comment as he has been behaving in that way.
In the bedroom, Tiffany goes over to Winston’s bed and asks how he is doing. He asks her for a cuddle, which she gives him. He then asks her to get under the sheets. He says, “I’ve been waiting for this moment!” She refuses to get under the sheets.
Housemates watch the pair; Gemma looks on in shock, “He’s going to get excited!” She tells Tiffany not to do anything, Tiffany leaves Winston’s bed.
Winston then asks Nancy for a good night hug, she declines.
You can catch all the action tonight at 9pm on Channel 5!