Six housemates face the first Celebrity Big Brother eviction

Chris Ellison, Daniel Baldwin, Farrah Abraham, Janice Dickinson, Jenna Jameson and Stevi Ritchie & Chloe-Jasmine all face eviction this week following the first round of nominations which took place yesterday.
A breakdown of this weeks nominations are below:
Austin: Farrah & Janice;
Gail: Farrah & Daniel;
Sherrie: Jenna & Farrah;
Natasha: Farrah & Janice;
James: Janice & Farrah;
Daniel: Janice & Stevi and Chloe;
Janice: Farrah & Daniel;
Steve & Chloe: Farrah & Daniel;
Bobby: Jenna & Farrah;
Scoop: Sherrie & Chris;
Jenna: Stevi and Chloe & Chris;
Chris: Jenna & Daniel;
Farrah: James & Chloe & Chris;
Farrah received a total of 8 nominations, Janice & Daniel received 4, Jenna and Stevi & Chloe received 3 nominations and Chris received 2.
The first Live eviction takes place this Friday at 9pm on Channel 5.