TONIGHT: Jayne struggles with the arrival of Chelsea

 TONIGHT: Jayne struggles with the arrival of Chelsea

On tonight’s show, Laura spills the beans to Lateysha on her night under the covers with Marco, Its Chelsea’s first night in The Other house and Jayne’s struggling with his arrival.

Talking to Big Brother in the Diary Room about Marco, Laura says: “It doesn’t mean I’m a home wrecker. I know the girl code, if a girl’s got a boyfriend you would never get with that guy. Marco should start getting a bit of stick, he’s the one who is in the open relationship and told me he is. When I leave this house the truth will come out, I really hope he hasn’t lied to me.”

Later in the bedroom, Ryan and Lateysha are wondering why Laura ‘went there’ with Marco. Ryan goes on to say that he thinks she’s made herself look bad on TV.

Meanwhile, speaking to Lateysha, Laura says “It wasn’t full blown sex, but we had sex basically. Straight after it happened he said ‘O MY GOD! What’s my family and my fiancée going to say?’ I was like mate; you can’t say this now. I think he feels guilty.” Latesyha doubts Marco had a hall pass, and feels sorry for her. Laura continues, “It’s like he’s washed his hands of me!” Laura later goes on to tell more of her housemates about her night of passion with Marco.

As part of this weeks shopping task, Chelsea, Andy, Marco and Georgina enter the attic, tasked to truthfully answer questions set by The Others.

Georgina is asked who she thinks is the leader of the house, she chooses Marco. Chelsea is asked whom he is attracted to in the house, he replies no one. Andy declares that Marco winds him up as he can sometimes be overbearing. Marco is asked what he thinks are Chelsea’s traits; he replies that he’s funny and a bit over the top sometimes. The group pass this part of the task and there fore have passed this weeks shopping task.

As part of the final task, The Others are asked to choose which housemate they think is the ‘biggest horror’. Jayne asks to have this say,  and she picks Chelsea.

Back in the main house, Chelsea is called to the Diary Room. As the rest of the housemates watch on, Big Brother tells him that there is another house and that The Others have been plotting against the house.

Big Brother 2016

He is told that The Others picked him as the ‘biggest horror’ and he is no longer a housemates; he then goes to The Other house where he must try and win back his housemate status. As Chelsea joins The Others, and Jayne whispers, “Thank you Big Brother.”

Charlie tells Chelsea that she is Jason’s ex; he is shocked. He confirms to her that Jason is not romantically involved with anyone in the house.

Jayne asks Chelsea for an apology, he tells her he doesn’t think he owes her one.

Big Brother 2016

Talking about Chelsea to Natalie, Jayne says “He was the one after me, I told him I didn’t want a relationship as he was with someone, I have proof of that. He told me he didn’t have a partner, it was never a romantic thing, he wanted it and I said no, he’s not my type. I wanted him as a friend.”

Jayne and Chelsea later agree to get along. Jayne announces that they have previously snogged, and Chelsea reveals that he is in a complicated relationship. He talks about his Big Brother experience, “It is for me to see and know what my life situation should be. My life how it is, has been is wrong.” Jayne admires his honesty.

These scenes air tonight at 10.00pm on Channel 5.

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