Martha evicted from the Big Brother house

Hallo-week continued on tonight’s Big Brother, which saw this weeks Head of House, Emma, cast the only nominations – and one of those nominees was soon evicted!
The four nominees—Ali, Martha, Khaled, and Thomas—faced the music as the Evil Head of House, Emma, delivered her nominations.
Emma began by addressing Martha directly, stating, “I chose Martha mostly because the other night, I felt that rather than owning herself, she tried to push the blame a little bit onto Hanah.” This pointed remark set the stage for a dramatic reveal.
Turning her focus to Ali, Emma shared her admiration but also offered a critique. “I’ve got loads of respect for Ali; I love how strong and convicted she is on her feelings and thoughts. But I do think Ali has misjudged somebody. I think speaking to her partner the other night has shown her that she might have been wrong about Segun.”
Ali didn’t hold back, interjecting, “I mean, I heard him call me a red witch and a wolf, so that’s quite difficult.” Her fiery defense highlighted the tensions simmering beneath the surface.
Emma then shifted to Thomas, stating candidly, “You’re the Housemate I probably have the least amount to do with because we’ve got f*ck all in common, let’s face it. But I do love you very much.” This light-hearted jab contrasted with the gravity of the situation.
Lastly, Emma explained her choice of Khaled, saying, “I sometimes feel that you’re more aware of the cameras around in the house; maybe it’s that model thing.” This remark sparked curiosity among the housemates about Khaled’s behavior and awareness of the game.
With her nominations laid bare, Big Brother announced the shocking news: “Martha, Ali, Thomas, and Khaled. One of you will be evicted… right now.”
As the housemates absorbed the news, tension filled the air.
Big Brother then played the final game of trick or treat.
Big Brother told the nominated housemates to stand under designated pumpkins, with one pumpkin being the trick pumpkin.
The housemate who received the trick was MARTHA who was covered in gunge. Big Brother then announced that as a result she had been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Big Brother continues Sunday – Friday on ITV2 & ITVX.