Housemates clash over politics

 Housemates clash over politics

A heated discussion about colonisation, capitalism, and climate change has ignited tensions among the group during tonight’s episode of Big Brother.

During a recent conversation in the kitchen, Daze, Nathan, Lily, and Segun delved into these complex topics. Daze began by explaining colonisation as a form of exploitation, connecting it to capitalism. However, Lily expressed confusion, prompting Daze to further elaborate on the concept.

Nathan then challenged Daze, questioning his preference over capitalism. Segun offered a neutral perspective, suggesting that both extremes could lead to detrimental consequences. Nathan agreed, pointing out the current state of the world as evidence. Daze reinforced this point, emphasizing that society had already veered too far in one direction.

Segun furthered the discussion by asserting that society was more capitalist than communist. Lily, still struggling to grasp the concept of capitalism, sought clarification. Nathan responded by explaining it as a system that rewards hard work and effort.

However, Daze disagreed, arguing that this notion wasn’t always accurate. This disagreement highlighted a potential political divide among the Housemates. It will be intriguing to observe how this tension evolves as the game progresses and whether the Housemates can find common ground or if the divide deepens.

These scenes air tonight at 9pm on ITV2 & ITVX.

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