Big Brother’s Canine Contest: A Second Chance for Non-Housemates

Big Brother offers the non-housemates a second chance of gaining housemate status and avoiding eviction on tonight’s episode of Big Brother.
To determine who would earn this coveted spot, a canine contest was held. Max, Big Brother’s furry friend, would judge the Non-Housemates’ lovability.
Daze was chosen by her fellow Non-Housemates as the most lovable and selected Segun as her opponent. Max, standing on a paw print, was tasked with choosing the most lovable individual. With the fate of Housemate status hanging in the balance, Max’s decision would have a significant impact on the game.
Meanwhile, Big Brother announced another head-to-head challenge for the Non-Housemates: a test of competitiveness. Thomas volunteered and chose Rosie as his opponent. The winner of this challenge would become a Housemate, while the loser would face eviction.
In a series of dares presented on cards, Thomas and Rosie faced increasingly difficult tasks. From wearing a bucket to being referred to as “Baked Potato,” they pushed their limits to outlast the other. The final dare, however, proved to be the most challenging: shredding three fellow Non-Housemates’ personal photos.
As the Non-Housemates faced their final chance to become Housemates, they had to decide whether to raise their hands and endure the physical and mental strain. The Housemate who held their hand up the longest would avoid the first eviction.
Who’s got the stamina to survive? Who will show the most determination? And which Non-Housemates will face eviction?
Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2 & ITVX.