Baked Potato evicted from the Big Brother house

Baked Potato (Rosie), became the eighth housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house during this evenings surprise eviction.
Big Brother gathered the Housemates on the sofas.
Big Brother says, “Housemates, congratulations on making it to the final week… Housemates, the final and the prize money is nearly within reach and for one of you today, that cash will be even closer. That’s because, Big Brother is about to open a very special room in the house. The Vault. Here the prize money can be played for, and game changing decisions will be made.
“One of you is about to be given the chance to win up to £10k. Which one of you that is, will be left up to fate. Will one housemate go and collect the golden envelopes from the hatch and place them on the table.”
“Each housemate will take turns choosing a golden envelope from the box on the table. One of those envelopes contains the lucky pound sign card. The housemate who draws this will have a chance to win up to £10k.
After the housemates select their envelopes, Big Brother instructs them to open them up. Segun reveals the card with the lucky pound sign.
Big Brother says, “Segun you have picked the envelope with the golden card. You must now come to the diary room.”
In the Diary Room, Big Brother says, “Segun, congratulations on finding the golden card.”
Overjoyed and oblivious to what Big Brother has in store, Segun responds, “Like I got it! Like what! What! Definitely is a win, this is a really good day for me, so I’m super excited. I’m buzzing, I hope I do really well, I hope I smash it. I’m just gonna try my best and remember my loved ones in my head.”
Big Brother says, “Segun, Big Brother has one more thing to tell you. You will not be entering The Vault alone.
Segun was then asked to pick three of his fellow housemates to join him in the Vault. Big Brother revealed to Segun that out of the housemates entering the vault 1 the housemate with the least amount of votes to win by the public would be evicted.
He picked Baked Potato, Nathan & Ali. Big Brother revealed to Segun
Segun was asked to put his 10,000 on the podium of the housemate he thought would be safe.
Finally, Big Brother then revealed that it was BAKED POTATO who was evicted from the Big Brother house.