Ali, Baked Potato, Emma, Khaled & Lily face double eviction

The housemates nominated again during tonight’s Big Brother, which resulted in 5 housemates facing the dreaded double eviction this week.
One by one the housemates headed into the Diary Room to make their nominations. The two or more housemates with the most votes would face eviction.
Lily received six nominations from Emma, Hanah, Khaled, Marcello, Segun and Thomas. Ali received four nominations from Emma, Hanah, Marcello and Segun. Emma received three nominations from Ali, Hanah and Thomas. Khaled received three nominations from Baked Potato, Lily and Sarah. Meanwhile, Thomas received two nominations from Baked Potato and Lily.
Later, Big Brother called Head of House Marcello to the secret basement for an important decision.
Big Brother says, “Marcello, as the final Head of House, the power is now truly in your hands. But with serious power comes serious decisions.”
“In front of you are two powers. Both will have a major impact on the house. You can only choose one. Before you make that decision Marcello, Big Brother can share some top-secret information with you. The housemates currently facing eviction are Ali, Tom, Emma, Khaled & Lily”.
Big Brother added, “Head of House Marcello, it’s decision time. You can either save an ally and replace them with anyone you like, or you can take aim at a rival and use the killer nomination to put them up for eviction. Which power will you choose?”
Marcello gives Big Brother his choice, “…A very tough decision Big Brother as you know, all of the people in the house at this point are very very close to me. I do appreciate them… wholeheartedly, and to jeopardise any of their positions at this point is very heartbreaking. But I have to do what I have to do. This is Big Brother, and I am Head of House. I think I’ve made my decision. This is how the cookie is gonna crumble.”
Marcello chose to save Thomas and replaced him with Baked Potato.
Big Brother continues Sunday – Friday at 9pm on ITV2 & ITVX.