Jordan returns to the Big Brother house

On tonight’s Big Brother, Jordan returns to the house with his fellow housemates after the eviction of Jenkin and Tom.
Upon his return, housemates are keen to find out what Jenkin, Jordan and Tom have been watching whilst in Big Brother’s secret room.
Jordan reveals Jenkin’s disappointment with Olivia to her and later relays Jenkin and Tom’s feelings about Yinrun to her.
Yinrun says: “I feel much better now because I always questioned why I couldn’t get along with them. I thought it was my issue.” Jordan says: “They think it’s quite strange how people in the house kind-of pander to you.” Yinrun says: “Now, I know how they feel and I truly understand why we can’t get along.”
Reflecting on Jenkin and Tom’s parting words and the revelations from Jordan that Jenkin was disappointed in her, Olivia says to Big Brother in the Diary Room: “I feel like for some reason my two friends have turned their back on me now because I didn’t threaten to do a runner because they left. I don’t know what they want me to do. I feel a bit like an outsider now and I was actually enjoying the past two days.”
Speaking to Jordan in the hot tub, Henry says: “Honestly, I don’t know what’s happened in here. It was really strange. I genuinely felt different when you left. I was so upset. I won’t lie, it annoyed me a bit. How have you got this control over me? Not control over me but why am I feeling this way? I missed you a lot.”
Will Henry and Jordan pick-up where they left off?
Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on iTV2 & ITVX.