Highlights from tonights Big Brother

Coming up on tonights Big Brother. These scenes air tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.
- The Housemates wake up tired as they we’re kept up last night by Aaronand Harriet and Joel. Sally: “Last night I wanted to say something for a good few minutes…how rude are some people…we were in bed”. Eileen: It’s really disrespectful for other people who want to sleep…it’s just a bit immature…I wouldn’t do that” Aaron: When I scream, I scream loud…sorry”
- Harriet talks to Big Brother in the Diary Room about being one of the three most popular Housemates from the poll. Harriet: “It is nice, I’m very, very thankful…I think things can get tactical on voting if people are in it to want to get the dough.”
- Dannyand Kieran talking about Sarah. Danny: “She jumped on my bed and that last night…I got a bit excited though”
- Jade and Sarah are talking about Cristian. Jade: “He’s a beautiful, beautiful boy but I don’t desire him…He’s too young and even still he’s not physically my type”. Sarah: “He would be my type, but older”
- Aaron, Harriet and Sallyare in the Bathroom. Aaron thinks Joel fancies Sally. Aaron: “Imagine if you got off with Joel. You never know what red wine can do to you. Imagine though I’d die…I think Sarah likes Danny….if I had to kiss one guy….Cristian is a really beautiful boy physically but…at the same time say for example a kiss and it went further I trust Danny more. Danny would look after ya…he’s just so adorable.”
- Aaron, Joeland Nick are in the Garden and Aaron is flirting with Joel. Aaron: “I’ve got to admit it Joel, over the past few days… think I’ve come to realise that I’ve started to fancy you, don’t you agree”. Joel: “I don’t fancy you Aaron”. Arron: “But why?” Joel: “I’m straight and I’m proud to say I’m heterosexual”. Aaron: “It’s the way he’s just so straight to the point…he’d be very dominating in the bedroom. He’d be like ‘Aaron bend over’ and I would be like ‘yes sir’. I joke…even though you’re 19….I’d call him Sir. I’d do everything for him…I’d be your bitch. How would you feel about that if I was a girl?”. Joel: “If you were a girl then I would certainly consider it”. Aaron: “But I could be a girl. I could be a drag queen for you”. Joel: “I have to say Aaron, as lovely as you are I think we should just be friends”
- Adjoa and the boys talk about Sally and Amy. Adjoa: “You know when you’re looking at women and they wear leggings and they have their pussy print sometimes” Kieran: “If we were talking like that and you walked in…would you feel like ‘why are you talking about that”. Adjoa: “But I like it though”. Danny: “You couldn’t say what you just said to them could ya”. Adjoa: “No, maybe I could get away with it more than a boy could.” Kieran: “That’s not fair though is it, ’cause we get scrutinised for it”. Jade: “You can’t not look at the girls in this house…everyone is so beautiful”
- Eileen was set a secret mission to convey different emotions towards certain Housemates and justify these emotions by backing it up with a fake story. She had to show desire towards Aaron by giving him a massage. Eileen also had to convey fear towards Jade. Eileen told Jade that she felt there was danger coming for one Housemate. Lastly Eileen conveyed anger towards Sarah. Eileen blamed Sarah for using her hairbrush. Eileen passed all of her secret missions and won a party for the rest of the house which will include a truth and dare style party game. Due to a breach in the rules regarding the discussion of nominations, Nick will be a waiter at the party
- Dannyand Adjoa are discussing Sarah. Danny: “I like her…she’s probably not the usual type I go for if I’m honest…I don’t know what it is about her…When she came down those doors…I thought F$*king hell she’s hot…she says things and I don’t agree with it and that’s holding me back… I’d like to her in my bed…and have a spoon but I don’t want to lead her on”
- The Housemates are playing truth or dare and Jadegives Aaron a lap dance. Amy gets the question ‘who least deserves their place in the house and why’. She says Aaron. Amy: “It’s not least deserve, but the person who least don’t need it is Aaron. And I think that’s because he’s popular already”.
- Aaron is upset after the truth or dare game. Aaronand Sally talk in the bedroom. Aaron: “I moved to London, I did it all on my own, I did it every single day with a retail job. I’m a normal guy and with that I got lucky with a few opportunities…I’m very blessed that a designer would give me anything…When I got CK I got scrutinised…it was an amazing thing and I’m so blessed for it…I didn’t get paid hardly anything for it…I was no one and it was my job to prove myself to those people”
- Aaron cries in the bedroom and Harriet comforts him
- Harriet speaks to Adjoa about food. Harriet: “I think the food situation, I think sometimes you’re forgetting… from yesterday I didn’t want to say it in front of everyone because of how hard you took yesterday. Adjoa: “That’s fine, I won’t steal food anymore…I won’t eat two eggs a day anymore…whether you like me or not…I couldn’t care less…cause I picked up too many crisps…I have two eggs a day…only two eggs a day…I don’t want to argue…I’m the most generous… f*£king person that you could ever meet… …even though I eat a lot…”
- Kieran, Adjoa and Cristian are still up, when most of the Housemates are in bed. Adjoa is talking about her conversation with Harriet. Adjoa: “Get over it…It did piss me off cause is that all your thinking about f$%king crisps…I can’t trust a soul in here”
Images from tonights show:
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