Day 49: Shopping Task, Hotel BB

Welcome to the Hotel Big Brother! As part of this week’s Shopping Task, the House is to become a hotel, with six of the housemates its staff and the remaining three its guests. VIP guest Aislyne will be invited to choose these three, while the staff will spend the next few days presented with a series of challenges. Can they maintain the gaff’s 5-star nature?
They’d better do, as some very familiar faces will be checking in as guests. On top of that, the housemates will have a strict set of rules to follow, tasks to complete and a host of guest demands to contend with. To pass the task, they must not let standards slip.
If that’s not enought, they’ll be faced with temptations from Big Brother. If they cave in, the entire House will fail the Task. Will it be a beautiful break or a hotel from hell?